The GetReport method returns a Report object with information about the specified report. This method is useful if you need to know whether a report has any ask-at-runtime filter conditions and, if so, what fields are used in those conditions. This allows you to query the user for the values for those fields in your own application and then pass those values to the RunReport or RunReportToFile methods.


GetReport(ReportName) as Object

The name of the report to get information for.

Return Value
A Report object.

The examples below show you how to use GetReport() in an SQProxy .NET application to retrieve a report and print the names of all fields on that report.


using SFQWrapper;
using SQProxyWrapper;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      SQProxy sqProxy = new SQProxy();

      sqProxy.LoadProject(@"C:\Program Files\Stonefield Query SDK\Sample Project");

      // Wait for project to finish loading
      while (!sqProxy.ProjectLoaded)

      // Get a report and display the names of all fields in it
      Report report = sqProxy.SQApplication.ReportEngine.GetReport("Customer List");

      foreach (ReportField field in report.Fields)


Imports SQProxyWrapper
Imports SFQWrapper

Module Module1

  Sub Main()
    Dim sqProxy As SQProxyWrapper.SQProxy = New SQProxyWrapper.SQProxy

    sqProxy.LoadProject("C:\Program Files\Stonefield Query SDK\Sample Project")

    ' Wait for project to finish loading
    While Not sqProxy.ProjectLoaded

    End While

    ' Get a report and display the names of all fields in it
    Dim report As Report = sqProxy.SQApplication.ReportEngine.GetReport("Customer List")

    For Each field As ReportField In report.Fields
  End Sub
End Module

See also

GetReports | ReportEngine Object | RunReport | RunReportToFile | SQProxy Object

© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/06/16
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