This topic tree describes the SFQWrapper namespace.
This namespace is included in the following assembly file: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VFP\SFQWrapper.dll
Type | Description |
AppView | Contains the properties for an application view. |
AppViewField | Contains the properties for a field in an application view. |
AppViewFields | A collection of AppViewFields. |
AppViews | A collection of AppView items. |
AskAtRuntimeValues | A collection of Values objects. This class is useful in creating a collection of Values items that you can pass to the ReportEngine.RunReport or RunReportToFile methods. The ToString() method will create the proper XML format to pass to the Values string parameter of the ReportEngine.RunReport or RunReportToFile methods. |
CustomJoin | Contains the properties for a custom join. |
CustomJoins | Manages the collection of [CustomJoin](vfps://Topic/_2Y60L182U) objects for a Report. |
Database | Contains the properties for a logical database in the Stonefield Query data dictionary. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
Databases | Manages the collection of [Database](VFPS://Topic/_2VW0WTEGZ) objects for Stonefield Query. |
DataEngine | Provides the data-handling component for Stonefield Query. It contains a data dictionary, exposed to the rest of the application as collections of Database, Field, Join, and Table objects. |
DataSource | Defines the connection information for a physical instance of a Database object. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
DataSources | Manages the set of DataSource objects for a specific database. |
Field | Contains the properties for a field in the data dictionary. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
Fields | Pprovides a collection of [Field](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTGRC) objects for all fields in a Stonefield Query project. |
FilterCondition | A FilterCondition object contains the properties for a condition in the filter for a report. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
FilterConditions | Provides a collection of [FilterCondition](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTHQK) objects, which describe the filter conditions entered by a user for a particular report. |
Folder | A Stonefield Query Report Folder. |
Folders | A collection of Stonefield Query Report [Folder](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTIKQ) objects. |
Join | Contains the properties for a relation in the data dictionary. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
Joins | Provides a collection of Join objects, which describe the relationships between the tables in a Stonefield Query project. |
Parameter | A single command line parameter. |
Parameters | Provides a collection of command line [parameters](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTK6K) passed to Stonefield Query. For example, if you call Stonefield Query with the following command: C:\Program Files\Stonefield Query\SFQuery.exe "ini=C:\SFQApplication Data" user=etaylor password=diamond then the collection contains three items: one for the INI parameter, one for the USER parameter, and one for the PASSWORD parameter. |
ReflectionService | Provides methods to call the Methods of COM objects and to Get/Set Properties of COM objects through reflection. |
Report | A Stonefield Query Report. |
ReportEngine | Provides an interface to retrieve information about reports and folders and to run reports. It's not intended to be used from Stonefield Query scripts but rather from code in your application via the SQProxy object. This allows you to run reports from other applications without displaying the Stonefield Query user interface. |
ReportField | A field that is on a Report. This has all the properties of a [Field](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTGRC) item plus extra properties that only exist for fields that are on a Report. |
ReportFields | A collection of [fields](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTMX9) that are on a certain Report (as opposed to fields that are only in the data dictionary). |
Reports | A collection of Stonefield Query [Report](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTLBB) objects. |
Settings | Information about Stonefield Query User settings. |
SFQApplication | The top object in the Stonefield Query object model. This is the same as the Application object in the Stonefield Query object model but had to be renamed since Application is an existing .NET class A reference to this object is passed to every event and data object script so the script can interact with Stonefield Query as necessary. User-defined scripts can access the SFQApplication class through the built-in SQApplication instance. Through |
Sort | A single sort field on a Report. |
Sorts | A collection of [Sort](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTPLH) fields on a Report. |
Table | Contains the properties for a table in the data dictionary. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
Tables | Provides a collection of [Table](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTR1B) objects for the Tables in the Stonefield Query project. |
User | Contains the properties for a user that has access to Stonefield Query. Please note that any changes you make to this item will only be saved in Stonefield Query after you call the Dispose() method. |
Users | Manages the list of [users](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTRXT) authorized to access Stonefield Query. |
ValueItem | A single Value item that can be passed to the ExecuteSQLStatement method as the parameters to send to a stored procedure or you can pass to the GetValuesForField and GetValuesForParameter methods as the default values. |
Values | A collection of [ValueItem](vfps://Topic/_2VW0WTSVR) objects. Create an instance of this class by calling "SQApplication.GetValuesCollection()". |
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 04/17/18
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