Stonefield Query Studio is the tool a software developer or consultant uses to create a customized version of Stonefield Query for a particular application's data.
Running Stonefield Query Studio is easy: just double-click the Stonefield Query Studio icon on your Windows desktop. Alternatively, click the Start button in your Windows Taskbar, choose Programs, choose the program group you told the installation process to put Stonefield Query in, and choose Stonefield Query Studio.
What happens next depends on whether you have activated Stonefield Query Studio or not. If not, you're informed of that and asked if you want to register your copy. If you click No, Stonefield Query Studio runs in unactivated mode for up to 30 days after you run it for the first time. If you choose Yes, the Stonefield Query Registration dialog appears, allowing you to activate Studio. You can simply click the Cancel button to continue if you don't wish to activate it at this time.
You must activate Studio within 30 days or it will stop working.
Unless you have Studio configured to load the last project at startup, when you open Studio, it displays the Start Page. See the Working with Stonefield Query Studio help topic for detailing information on the Studio user interface.
© Stonefield Software Inc., 2024 • Updated: 06/07/16
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